J.S.D. 2018, Stanford Law School; Stanford Law School Postgraduate Public Interest Fellow, 2018-19 (Center for Justice and Accountability).
I wish to thank Haim Abraham, Nora Freeman Engstrom, Deborah Hensler, Renana Kedar, Robert MacCoun, Itay Ravid, Leila Sadat, Yahli Shereshevsky, David Sloss, Beth Van Schaack, and the participants of the Stanford Program in Law and Society 4th Conference for Junior Researchers, the American Society of International Law (ASIL) 2017 Midyear Meeting at Washington University, and the J.S.D. Colloquium at Stanford Law School. Valuable support for this research was provided by the Richard S. Goldsmith Grant for Research in Conflict Resolution, the Taube Center for Jewish Studies, the Shultz Fellowship for Research in Israel, and the Freeman Spolgi Institute (FSI) for International Studies. This Article was winner of the Goldsmith Writing Prize for Best Paper in Dispute Resolution (2017).