Volume 19.2
Chicago Journal of International Law
Turning in the Widening Gyre: History, Corporate Accountability, and Transitional Justice in the Postcolony
Jeffrey Atteberry
Collateral Damages: Domestic Monetary Compensation for Civilians in Asymmetric Conflict
Gilat J. Bachar
The Latin-American Flavor of Enforced Disappearances
Ariel E. Dulitzky
Between Reparations and Repair: Assessing the Work of the ICC Trust Fund for Victims Under Its Assistance Mandate
Anne Dutton and Fionnuala Ní Aoláin
Regulation of Initial Coin Offerings: Reconciling U.S. and E.U. Securities Laws
Philipp Maume and Mathias Fromberger
Striking a Grotian Moment: How the Syria Airstrikes Changed International Law Relating to Humanitarian Intervention
Michael P. Scharf
Choose One: Gainful Employment or Religious Obedience – An Analysis of Samira Achbita v. G4S
Shane Simms