Volume 19.1
Chicago Journal of International Law
Article 158(3) of the Hong Kong Basic Law and the Preliminary Reference Procedure of the European Union
Patrick Jiang and Gonzalo Villalta Puig
“Virtual” Disenfranchisement: Cyber Election Meddling in the Grey Zones of International Law
Michael N. Schmitt
Taking “Great Care”: Defining Victims of Hate Speech Targeting Religious Minorities
Whittney Barth
Torture as a Management Practice: The Convention against Torture and Non-Disciplinary Solitary Confinement
Samuel Fuller
Regulating the Space Commons: Treating Space Debris as Abandoned Property in Violation of the Outer Space Treaty
Chelsea Muñoz-Patchen
Not So Fast, China: Non-Market Economy Status is Not Necessary for the “Surrogate Country” Method
André J. Washington
The African Union’s Right of Humanitarian Intervention as Collective Self-Defense
Christian Wyse