Volume 17.1
Chicago Journal of International Law
Unpacking the International Law on Cybersecurity Due Diligence: Lessons from the Public and Private Sectors |
Closing Impunity Gaps for the Crime of Aggression |
Adjudicating Health-Related Rights: Proposed Considerations for the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and Other Supra-National Tribunals |
The Law of Unintended Consequences: The 2015 E.U. Insolvency Regulation and Employee Claims in Cross-Border Insolvencies |
The Role of Digital Products Under the WTO: A New Framework for GATT and GATS Classification |
International Terrorism and Statelessness: Revoking the Citizenship of ISIL Foreign Fighters |
Proportionality in Customary International Law: An Argument Against Aspirational Laws of War |
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (But Still So Far): Assessing Liberland’s Claim of Statehood |