Volume 18.1
Chicago Journal of International Law
The Law of Cyber Peace
Scott Shackleford
Communitizing Transnational Regulatory Concerns
Sungjoon Cho, Jacob Radecki,and Cecilia Suh
The Legalization of Truth in International Fact-Finding
Shiri Krebs
Experimentally Testing the Effectiveness of Human Rights Treaties
Adam S. Chilton
A Method Inside the Madness: Understanding the European Union State Aid and Taxation Rulings
Christopher Bobby
"So Made That I Cannot Believe": The ICCPR and the Protection of Non-Religious Expression in Predominately Religious Countries
Devin Carpenter
International Law Adrift: Forum Shopping, Forum Rejection, and the Future of Maritime Dispute Resolution
Douglas W. Gates
Interpreting Public Interest Provisions in International Investment Treaties
Alison Giest
Rethinking Espionage in the Modern Era
Darien Pun